(Bay Area) Tachyon: A Reliable Memory-Centric Distributed Storage System
14 September 2014
1:30PM ~ 4:00PM, 09/14/2014,Sunday
Event Info
- Language: Chinese
- Time: 1:30PM ~ 4:00PM, 09/14/2014,Sunday
- Location: MTV-46-1-Tierra del Fuego (216) VC, Google building 46, 1565 Charleston Rd, Mountain View, CA 94043
- 1:30pm – 2:00pm: Reception and social time
- 2:00pm – 3:30pm: Talk and QA
- 3:30pm – 4:00pm: offline networking
首先简要的全面介绍一下“Berkeley Data Analytics Stack(BDAS)”。这是UC Berkeley AMPLab开发的系统,包括著名的Apache Mesos和Apache Spark等。接下来,浩源会详细介绍他领导开发的Tachyon系统,是一个memory centric fault-tolerant distributed storage system, which enables reliable file sharing at memory-speed across cluster frameworks, such as Spark and MapReduce。Tachyon是BDAS中新成员,开源一年半以来,有超过50个贡献人来自大于15家不同的公司,并且已经在数十家公司部署。
Speaker’ bio
李浩源, 加州大学伯克利分校(UC Berkeley) 计算机系AMPLab博士生,专注于计算机系统以及大数据的研究。师从Dr. Scott Shenker和Dr. Ion Stoica两位教授。在校期间,创建了Tachyon系统以及SparkStreaming系统,是Apache Spark founding committer,伯克利大数据处理平台(BDAS)主要研发者之一。曾在Google和Conviva从事大数据处理挖掘的研发工作,所研发的PFP-Growth大数据挖掘算法被Apache Mahout所采用。李浩源拥有北京大学学士学位以及康奈尔(Cornell)大学硕士学位。
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